Monday, June 05, 2006

Today's thoughts:

Full-body massages are Good Things, especially when given by somebody who knows what they're doing.

About Writing:

Beh. the tension was worked out of my neck. Now I'm struggling to find the urge to write. To top it off, it's sort of a dreary day, and my bowels have decided that they need cleansed this morning.

Perhaps this is prelude to doing something Imortant. Perhaps not. Whatever it is, I wish it would get here.

The muse is taunting me, thoguh. She's sitting on the edge of my realm of Being, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. Stuff like, "Do you know what it feels like to have your legs trapped in solid concrete, " and "Kids really DO grow with language, ya' know." Thoughts are simmering. They almost want to come out. But not yet.

Tomorrow is BIC day. I'm going to open my WIP and start working on it. Then I'm going to bring the laptop outside and see if that helps. The impatient part of me keeps saying, "Publish Now, or Perish." The depressed, lethargic part of me wants to hang it all up and just roll over.

And Jeff just said, "Magic rocks." There may just be a story in that somewhere.

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